About us Frequently asked questions

Do two registrars have to attend a marriage ceremony?

Yes, a marriage ceremony requires two registrars to attend one you will conduct the ceremony and the other who will ensure that all the legal formalities are completed.

How many registrars attend a civil partnership?

Only one registrar is required to attend and form a civil partnership.

How do I decide between a marriage and a civil partnership?

The GOV.UK website gives you more information on the legal provisions of marriage and civil partnerships.

Can only the registrars in Shropshire conduct my ceremony?

Yes, only registrars that work for the Shropshire Registration Service can conduct a legal ceremony at one of our register office, ceremony rooms or approved venues.

Can a religious person conduct our ceremony?

No a civil ceremony can only be conducted by a registrar if you wish to include a religious ceremony this would need to be done as a blessing and take place after your civil ceremony has taken place and the registrars have left.

How many witnesses are needed?

The law requires you have at least two witness and up to six maximum for a marriage and for a civil partnership only two witnesses are required and allowed. 

Who can you have as witnesses?

Your witnesses can be friends, relatives or colleagues who understand English and understand what’s taking place before them.

What if either of the couple who are marrying or entering a civil partnership can’t understand or speak English?

It's vital that both parties of the marriage or civil partnership fully understand the content of the ceremony and the legal statements you will be making. 

If this is not the case you will be asked to provide an interpreter if the registrars felt either one of you would not fully understand the words spoken in the ceremony.

An interpreter can be one of your guests – one party to the ceremony cannot interpret for the other. The person acting as interpreter will be asked to repeat the words being spoken in your own language, although your responses must be in English.

When do I give notice?

When you are within one year on your ceremony date and at least 28 days before your date.

Where do I give notice?

You give notice within the district that you live, you will contact your local Registrars and will attend an appointment to give notice. If you live in Shropshire you can contact us on 0345 6789016 to make an appointment.

Do I need to tell you I have given notice?

No we are on a national system and we will be automatically informed.

Do I need to give notice in person?

Yes you both have to attend in person, it can not be done online.

Can I include personal vows within my ceremony?

You can only have personal vows included within our enhanced or enhanced bespoke ceremony packages.

Who chooses the readings for the ceremony?

If you wish to include readings then you will choose these, they do though need to be approved by the Superintendent Registrar to ensure they have no religious content and are solemn and dignified.

Who chooses the music for the ceremony?

If you wish to include music then you will choose these, they do though need to be approved by the Superintendent Registrar to ensure they have no religious content and match the occasion.

Do I have to have music or readings?

No, you don’t.

Can I have music or readings within a statutory ceremony?

No this is basic ceremony and can’t include any enhancements.

Do we have to exchange rings?

No you don’t have to exchange rings if you choose not to.

What happens if I need to changes to my booking?

Any changes to the venue, date or time after booking will be subject to availability and incur an administrative fee of £50.

What if I need to marry or form a civil partnership and can’t wait the 28 days after giving notice?

Normal marriage process

  1. Couple will attend to give notice of marriage together, supplying evidence of British nationality, address and marital status (current and in date British passports, evidence of the couples address, and marital status if necessary.)
  2. Notice will be taken for a specific venue, this will have to be a licenced venue for marriage. (e.g. register office or approved venue.) 
  3. 28 days will need to elapse between giving notice and being free to form their marriage at their chosen venue
  4. On 29th day, the marriage schedule will be issued.

Waiver process

  1. Same process as above, however, a £66 each consideration fee will be taken either at the appointment OR can be submitted within the 28 day notice at any time for the notice period to be waivered. Evidence in the form of a letter from the ill persons doctor, explaining why the couple need form their marriage prior to the expiration will need to be submitted. The general register office will advise you of if the waiver has been granted within 24 hours of submitting this document. 

Registrar General’s licence wedding

In the event of one party being unable to attend the register office to give notice of marriage due to ill health, the well party would attend with the documentation required for both parties along with a letter from the doctor in medical attendance stating the below four points:

  1. That they are the doctor in medical attendance (name and GMC number will need to be displayed.)
  2. That the patient is too unwell to be moved to a place registered for marriages or civil partnerships
  3. That the patient has the mental capacity to make the decision to marry.
  4. That the patient is seriously ill and not expected to recover.

The registrar will contact the General Register Office on behalf of the notice giver to request the licence. If this is granted, the marriage can take place where the ill party is at any time within one month of receiving the licence. 

Housebound and detained

If a person is considered to be housebound, both the notice of marriage and the wedding ceremony will take place at the residence of the person who is unable to be moved. Both notices can be taken under this legislation. The housebound person must have their doctor sign a form to agree that they will not be fit to be moved to a place of marriage within three months of the signing date. The from can has to be completed 14 days of less prior to the notice been taken

How do I pay my non refundable deposit?

Once we have received your completed booking form, we will email BACS details with a reference number for you to pay.

When is the balance due?

The remainder of your fee will be due three months before your ceremony.

Will the fees change?

See our terms and conditions for more information.

Can you give me a timeline?

  • Set your date
  • Choose your venue and pencil in the date
  • Check availability with the Registrars for your chosen date and venue
  • Book with us and pay your non refundable deposit
  • Like and follow us on Instagram for all the latest news
  • Give notice when you are within 12 months of your ceremony date
  • Submit your planner which is emailed to after you have given notice
  • If you wish to upgrade your ceremony package, please let us know when you are at least within 12 months
  • Pay your fees three months before
  • Turn up, say I will and enjoy your day
  • We love to receive any photographs from you special day and share them on our Instagram page. Please email us them to shropsregistrarsinstagram@shropshire.gov.uk 

Still got questions?

If you’re not sure about anything and would like to speak to us, we're on hand to help. Just email Registrars@shropshire.gov.uk